Moogle Suit & Moogle Automaton

So I had the idea that I would remake Puppetmaster into some sort of weird moogle slave driving job where all 3 automatons are just moogles with different looks (possibly AF?).

Everything was set up pretty well, the mog animated correctly and had some cool call/dismiss animations.

I decided i'd need some AF if I was going to make a new job so I remembered FFX where Yuna had the full Moogle suit. I had always wanted to make that since I first started modding but never really had the knowledge of how to go about it.

Well I finally made it and it was ok I guess.

Come to find a few weeks later Square-Enix has made their own version of it that they are going to give out at Vanafest 2012  for the 10 Year Anniversary bleh.

People think SE is watching me but I dunno. My brain seems to work in tandem with them as I made a Scholar AF outfit weeks before SCH was announced as a up and coming job in WotG.

Also Goobbue Racer bears resemblance to the Goobbue Mount in FFXIV... well I mean not really but it is fairly odd for a Goober to be a mount out of everything to be released as that is not really the first thing someone thinks of when they think mount (which is why I made Goobbue racer in the first place).


  1. I thought the same thing about the FFXIV mount! They HAD to have seen your mod!

    1. (I had another friend who thought the same thing!)
